說到秋海棠,您是不是只想到小時候課本裡寫的中國的地理形狀像片秋海棠葉?又或者,您還分不清「海棠春睡」和「秋海棠」有什麼關係?事實上,「海棠」是薔薇科的植物,「秋海棠」則是秋海棠科、秋海棠屬植物的泛稱。海棠是中國自古以來的名花,以嬌豔無俗著稱,秋海棠粉嫩剔透的花姿,則為它贏得秋天海棠的美名。溪頭秋海棠是台灣特有種植物,分布於台灣中北部低至中海拔森林裡。肉質草本,雌雄異花而同株,您在照片中看到的是雌花。 Begonia is the sixth largest plant genus in the world, comprising 1,600 species that occur throughout tropical and subtropical Asia, Africa and America. Most of them are highly ornamental, displaying an amazing variety of shapes, colors, patterns and textures in their foliages and flowers. Begonia chitoensis is one of the about 20 species that grow naturally in Taiwan. It occurs on moist, semi-shady slopes at 300 to 2,300 m altitude on this island. In the early stages there is a creeping rhizome and as the plant matures the erect branching stems as tall as 1 meter appear. It produces pink flowers from early summer to autumn. The male flowers have four tepals and the female flowers have five tepals. The ovary is three-winged and the back wing is much protruded, as shown in this lovely photograph.