Ching-I Peng, 彭鏡毅
三板根節蘭是蘭科根節蘭屬的地生蘭,又稱「繡邊根節蘭」,這兩個名字,都是形容其特別醒目而美麗的橙紅色唇瓣。三板根節蘭廣泛分布於喜馬拉雅山區、日本與台灣;在台灣則零星分布於中海拔森林裡。 Terrestrial perennial herbs. Plants 30-50 cm tall. Rhizomes obscure. Pseudobulbs closely aggregated, ovoid, 2-3.5 cm tall. Leaves 2-4, elliptic-oblong, 20-35 cm long. Flowers yellowish green, ca, 2 cm in diam.; lip yellowish green, marked with red, 3-lobed, disc with 3-5 redish-brown, fleshy crest-like longitudinal ridges. Widely distributed in the Himalaya, northeast India, southern and western China and Japan. Taiwan, in forests at 2,000-2,500 m in the mountainous regions of Central Range.