太魯閣千里光是菊科多年生草本植物,為台灣的特有種,僅分布於太魯閣國家公園之石灰岩地區,十分珍貴而稀有。葉片上表面綠色,下表面深紫或綠紫色,搭配上鮮黃的花朵,色彩搶眼而美麗,整幅標本的構圖,令人想到鄉間小路的風景。 Perennial herbs with short rhizomes. Stems 15-75 cm tall. Leaves dark green on upper surface, dark purple to greenish purple on lower surface, highly variable in shape. Heads 3-3.5 cm across, solitary, or to ca. 20 in loose corymbs. Ray florets 8-12, corolla yellow; disc florets ca. 40, yellow. Endemic to Taiwan and rare, known only in metamorphosed limestone mountains in Taroko National Park in eastern Taiwan. It is the largest flowered species of Senecio in Taiwan.