報歲蘭,每到了歲末年初,便以她精緻美麗的花朵,向您拜歲賀年。而未開花時,報歲蘭則以她的「葉」取勝,園藝家們尋找、培植出葉面上有各式各樣斑紋、線條的蘭,稱為「葉藝」。報歲蘭是我們常說的「國蘭」的一種,除了觀花、賞葉之外,還可入詩、入畫,深受國人喜愛,也因此她在野外的數量愈來愈稀少,需要特別加以珍惜、保育。報歲蘭是一種地生蘭,分部於全島海拔1000米以下的森林內,葉線形、叢生。 Terrestrial herbs. Pseudobulbs ovoid. Leaves linear. Flowers 10-20, lax, fragrant, 4-7 cm in diam.; sepals greenish and covered with purplish lines or totally purple, oblanceolate; petals more or less greenish, with purplish lines, ovate-lanceolate; lip pale green or pale yellow, with purplish patches, ovate-lanceolate, more or less 3-lobed. Distributed in southern Japan, southern China, northeast India, Indochina. Taiwan, formerly common in evergreen forests at 200-1,200 m throughout the island, currently rather rare due to extensive collecting for cultivation.