黑斑龍膽為台灣特有亞種植物,鮮豔的黃色花冠筒,為夏季的中、高海拔開闊草生地與岩屑地,帶來一抹明亮的色彩;其上的黑色斑點,在訪花昆蟲的眼中,更是非常有吸引力的目標喔!黑斑龍膽為龍膽科一年生草本植物,基生葉卵形,莖生葉披針形,花冠管狀鐘形,蒴果有翼。分布於台灣本島北回歸線以北之中央山脈,喜生長於陽光充足之處。 The genus Gentiana consists of about 360 species mainly in the temperate area. They are good sources of ornamentals and blue dyes. Roots of some species are used as tonic and in flavoring liqueurs. Thirteen taxa are represented in Taiwan. All but one species are endemic to this island. Gentiana scabrida var. punctulata was published as a new variety in 1978. It occurs in sunny rocky areas at 2,500-3,200 m altitude in the Central Mountain Range north of the Tropic of Cancer. Gentiana scabrida var. punctulata has thicker stems, broader cauline leaves, and longer corolla tubes which are more yellow in comparison to the typical variety.