高山沙參為台灣特有亞種植物,鮮豔的紫藍色花冠,在夏季綻放於高山上的岩石地帶,像一盞盞小風鈴般隨風輕搖,總是能吸引登山客的目光。高山沙參為桔梗科多年生宿根性冬枯草本植物,葉橢圓形或狹披針形,花一至二朵著生於莖頂,鐘形花冠先端五淺裂,花期七至九月。 The name of the genus Adenophora, meaning gland-bearing, was derived from Greek. It refers to the distinctive tubular nectary disk that surrounds the base of the style. Adenophora, comprising more than 50 species, is confined to Eurasia, with a center of diversity in eastern Asia. Plants of this genus are often sought after as valuable ornamental or medicinal herbs. Two species occur naturally in Taiwan. Adenophora morrisonensis Hayata subspecies uehatae (Yamam.) Lammers occurs in conifer forests on sheltered screes in the alpine zone. Attractive bluebell-like flowers dotted the mountain paths in the summer.